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Tools and tips for managing your finances


While it may seem far away, the holiday season is just around the corner! Join GreenPath to prepare your holiday spending and be ready to approach the season with confidence.

This webinar will walk you through the steps to financially prepare for the holidays, explore ways you can leverage discounts and rewards, and help you reduce the financial stress around the holidays.

What You Will Learn

  • How to take stock of finances and plan for holiday expenses ahead of time
  • How to reduce holiday expenses by taking advantage of discounts and rewards
  • How to manage stress during the holiday season

Who Should Attend

  • Anyone who plans on celebrating the holidays
  • Anyone looking to reduce spending
  • Anyone who finds holidays to be stressful

Presented by:

Jessica Jennings, GreenPath Partner Experience Specialist

Stephanie McNeill, GreenPath Partner Experience Manager

Wednesday, September 25 @ 10:00 am PST – 10:45 am PST

View & Register on GreenPath

We will record this webinar and send the link of the recording to all registrants after the webinar.


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